June 05, 2006

a disappointing brew 5/30/06

I just finished a glass (my second) of New Belgium Brewing's Abbey beer. The side label says it is "brewed in the style of a Belgian 'Double' ale". Their website says it is their most award winning beer (they are most famous for their Fat Tire brew). I am disappointed.

You call yourself "New Belgium Brewing" and this is your Abbey beer?! I have ambitions to make my own (with a little help) much more comparable to the Leffe or Westmalle dubbels I have so enjoyed.

I also tried several new beers this weekend that I did enjoy. First that comes to mind is the 8-ball Stout from Lost Coast Brewing in Eureka, California. It is called an oatmeal stout, but the ingredients also list chocolate. It was a slight bit lighter than most stouts, but very enjoyable, especially at a sale price of $6 a sixer. Next comes the Anderson Valley Brewing Barney Flats Oatmeal stout. A good brew, it's been a while since I've had a Samuel Smith or Young's Oatmeal stout, but as best I can remember it was as good, and a much better bargain. Lastly, was the Rogue Chocolate Stout. Very chocolatey, with a little bit of coffee taste; this beer must be made in collaboration with Hershey's. Very good if you like that sort of thing, and I do.

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